If a free consultation is required we will determine which type of pruning is necessary for your trees. Tree pruning techniques include:

  • Eliminating branches that rub other branches or trees.

  • Removing limbs that create an obstruction

  • Removing dead or weak limbs that pose a hazard or
    may lead to decay

  • Removing diseased or insect-infested limbs

  • Creating better canopy structure to lessen wind resistance

  • Training young trees

  • Removing limbs damaged by adverse weather conditions

  • Removing branches or thinning to increase light penetration

It is important that the correct pruning procedure is prescribed and carried out for the preservation of a tree’s health, safety, and aesthetics. The removal of diseased or insect-infested branches help a tree to live longer. Removing low hanging or rotten branches can prevent personal injury or damage to property. We also prune trees for structural integrity, stability in high winds and to improve the vista and sun penetration for specific parts of a property. Some trees are reared in abstract forms and are maintained as topiary. In the South East of England trees which are growing close to property are often reduced in size to reduce the water uptake from the clay substrata. During dry periods this reduces shrinkage of the clay which can help prevent subsidence

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    Contact Us

     Email: enq@urbanforester.co.uk

     Address : 10a The Lodge, Hylda Court, London, NW5 1RE

    Tel: 0800 075 1785

    Fax: 0207 209 3451